Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

I'm given to reminiscence! It is said life is a full circle, you come to reach right where you started in the first place. How true it would prove, I only now realise.
I'm reminiscent of A.M. today. The person who singularly made the greatest impact on my life. A friendship we shared, a bond we loved and loathed with equanimity. I never have nor ever will know what feelings she harboured for me, she was conceited enough to never admit either ways, not that it hurt me ever, not that I ever cared. And honestly I still do not know whether I ever loved her or not and frankly it is way too embedded in history to even make a difference. But A.M., the character in "histoire de ma vie", is truly attributable to the development of a remarkably insane alter-ego within the confines of my brain. No words, i repeat, no words are enough to justify just what I managed to achieve in my brief intercourse with the Enigma called A.M. But here I shall specifically talk about two things she bequeathed to me in those days of yore.
The first being ABBA. The black and white age band. I was hooked right from the start. And seemingly old Abba songs started appearing all around me. Shockingly in my dad's music collection, not so shockingly in an older cousin's cupboard. The music grows on you and I must admit it still has that ivy effect on me. My ABBA collection is one of my most precious bounties. And it is only A.M. to thank for introducing me to ABBA.
And now the second inheritance from A.M. is the one this blog post was meant to be about. Scarlett'O Hara, Rhett Butler. It was after actual much pursuance, after much coaxing, pleading, begging, she lent me the 1000+ paged book that last day of Class Xth board exams. Yes, I'm talking about "Gone With the Wind" splendidly written by Margarett Mitchell. Almost like a metaphor, the extravagant setting of the book left an equal impression on my mind that A.M. as a person had left on me. However hard you try to look at Rhett Butler as the hero of the story, you know it well before that he is not. As a dual role Scarlett possibly Scarlett is your heroine or hero whichever you choose to anoint her. She is brash, she is evil, she is selfish, she borders on the vilest of the vilest in all human being and yet ends up being adored. Above all it is her indelicate impulsiveness, her infallible faith that however bad be today, tomorrow shall arrive. When I think about her, I see myself so endearingly near to the character sketch of Scarlett 'O Hara. On the author, the narration is so measured, so realistic that you do not even realise when you become a part of Tara, (Scarlett's family estate) and her unparalleled portrayal of Rhett Butler in the same selfish mould as Scarlett but with a venomously antagonistic filler. And above all how a single interplay of words infused into the play can so unassumingly create and convey a depth which possibly no single dialogue in the History of literature or cinema for that matter could ever muster till date. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" Mesmerising stuff..