A season of Viruses

I have a feeling that with the title I have given to this post on my fresh blog shall arouse more than a concerned thought in the mind of the google-worshipping geek community of the world perpetually thriving on the fear of a computer virus infection.

But it is brutally true that this is a season of Viruses in Delhi. I realised this to my horror when I woke up this morning with a snuff nose and a throat parched with mucous (yuck! those who have experienced it, know what it is, although Ms. J.K. Rowling has inadvertently made it a part of literary history with the Flubberworm mucous possessing immortality bestowing properties). Yes, the winters are here in Delhi with a vengeance on us meek immunity starved individuals. (partly because my ancestors have bestowed vegetarianism on me!) Reluctantly I had a bath and got ready for office but not before I was wearing a vest, shirt, cardigan (a gift from a very special person!) and jacket for "extra protection" (reminds me it was World Aids Day yesterday!) had a tulsi tea (thanks mom!), took an anti-allergic, Naso Gest nose drops helped through into the blocked labyrinth of my nostrils by my little sis and feeling much better I made my way to my sub-rural (grrr....) office.
I'm the kind of person who has had a perpetual conflict with the harsh cold weather of Delhi, not that I do not admire the cold breezes, just that my body is utterly sensitive to the oppression of the cold. My nears and dears know that despite being a healthy (or unhealthy!) 75 kgs on the weighing scales, my skin crumbles in the face of moisture-drained winters. Nasty sores develop on the toes, which keep me wincing with discomfort.
But probably I'm too paranoid about all this wintry business and the virus attack on my sinuses, I settle down for work in my office. I flick on the comp and the newly installed anti-virus software reminds me the computer needs a virus scan. I smiled, (at least) my computer, I knew was devoid of viruses. Lethargically almost reluctantly, I start the scan, while Norton gets on its business I start fishing about some papers. The minimiser keeps telling me the scan is on. I sit down writing some price quotations for a particularly nasty client and when I'm done rather when I'm bored, I carelessly pick up the Norton tab from my system tray. And lo and behold to my utter amazement, the scan shown 180 virus threats including the high-galloping Trojan Horse. I hold my head in my hands, but in the meantime Norton reminds me it has a wonder drug for Trojan Horse and others of its ilk. Oh yes, how could I forget, that's what anti-viruses are for.
It's so easy, one click and 180 virus is out of the machine! Thank God for Norton! In the meantime the nasal labyrinth is blocked again and it's time for me to go sifting for my Norton. Wish it was that easy, just one click and the virus attack goes! Priyank Gupta, wish you a speedy recovery!
Moral of the story:- While computer viruses can be cured by just a click or at the max by a FORMAT DRIVE, the common cold virus needs proper care and some wise man said prevention is better than cure. Wish I had listened to him and just avoided those ice cubes!