
After months of serious deliberation, i have got my lethargic self to shun the quintessential "Shanil" quilt for the all famous Delhi winters, to begin my complex crazy notations.. Although there have been various people including Firdie and dear sis Nupur, who have been after my life to get my act together, but it is finally two easy motivating forces who have pulled me to start writing here.. First and foremost, the credit goes to MTNL lineman Chandan whose whole hearted support (without expectation of a 100-buck gandhi!) and co-operation i finally have a broadband connection at my office which is conveniently located in one of those umpteen backward areas of a city surviving in the garb of a bustling political metropolis. And secondly to two fellow bloggers, out of whom one i have never met, but who i am a self-confessed fan of and the other an old friend who i last saw some 15 years back when she used to wear those tiny school tunics, but both of whom are in my orkut friend list, both of whom are avid bloggers and both of whom possess an undeniable flair in writing. I'll begin by introducing Sheena, this spunky female came into chance contact while i was probing into a dear friend's profile on orkut and the moment i read her, it was love at first sight, (not with her, but with her writings!) and whom i frankly know nothing much more about. The second is Yuvika, who goes back a long way when i was a reserved, shy kid, fifth grade i guess.. Now that i look back, this girl had a class even then, fringe haircuts et al, even the teachers were sure she would make big in life.. Unfortunately she quit the tag of Fransalian and i lost her completely till some time back, orkut re-united old friends, at least on paper.. Wish you all the best, Yuvika..
Now with the introductions all set, let's get down to business.. For today i'll begin by sharing the sentiments of Yuvika as similar to that of this whole nation. My serious condolences to all those who have become victims of this crazy war waged on the whole nation. A nation crippled by the misguided zeal of a handful of people and to no end. These fanatics shall never understand that in a war no one wins. And from my viewpoint a counter attack is no solution to this effacing reality. I have heard people echoing sentiments of war against Pakistan, but that is not going to give any benefit to anybody. The rest is for the bureaucracy to decide.
In the face of disaster, some people panic, some lose their sanity and some become wiser. It's time for us to learn from these mistakes. Bring on a new dawn, never lose faith and pray to god we can make Tagores' dream come true. "Where the head is held high and the mind without fear, into that heaven of freedom, let my country awake!"
Credits:- To all my nears and dears who have wished me, motivated me, encouraged me on this endeavour, to their unfailing (sometimes exaggerated!) faith in my humble abilities. To my mom, who has always been a source of light (she'w unwell, i pray to god for her speedy recovery). To my dad, who has always had confidence in me and who challenges me to attempt impossible targets. To my sisters, a gulf of love and affection. Above all to my friends who stand by me through thick and thin. Thank You all.. To my readers, i'm bound by my commitment to you, i shall keep posting.


Yuvika said...

way to go Priyank!!! and thank you for the note on me ;)
btw u write very well...