
Apprehension, apprehension and more apprehension! It is after an almost inobscure period, years maybe have I felt this kind of apprehension. And the worst part is I just am not able to put a finger this time to what is the mystery behind all this apprehension. Past two days I've lost sleep, lost appetite and I don't know what else. Maybe it's some sort of a sign of something about to happen, a sort of premonition. It is not that this is the first time it has happened with me. I've had these bouts of tummy churning nervousness since time immemorial but usually there was some event associated with it. An exam coming up, a debate competition or any such circumstance. But this time I'm almost driven nuts with this. I'm fidgety, I'm restless. I can't fathom what's in the reckoning. I hope it's something positive coming up. I'm so missing something good in my life.


Anonymous said...

Marital vows bring along with it an entire gamut of emotions,that stir in a whirlwind of nostalagia even years later....its heartening to see a contemporary going for d same sanctimonous bond dat bound me to my beau for keeps..Gud luck!

Priyank said...

Thank you so much, mani! Will post something about this tym once I'm free with the rigmarole and settled in this new zone..