Welcome once more!

I started out this blog by a post titled Welcome.. After such a long hiatus from this blog, this heavenly writing pad, this graffiti wall, I feel the reinforced urge and the tenacious desire to welcome all once more by this post. There's a lot to write, lot to share and believe me I'm brimming with enthusiasm as this is my first post ever since I got engaged and in the short period that has elapsed a lot of water has run through. But before that, my sincere apologies to this blog and its highly appreciative readers for not having been able to post a single entreè for such a long time. But there are times when you can take liberties and this sure was one of them!

Probably the most dramatic turnaround in the life of an individual is getting married. And it is to such a dramatic turnaround yours truly has been subjected to in the days that have elapsed. A very short courtship period (45 days and 46 nights to be precise!) has finally blissfully culminated into a new phase in my ennui infested life. The pages have turned, life has moved on. A feisty end to all that ever was wrong. A signal for a new beginning, a fresh start.

It is the rediscovery of all axioms of chemistry, teenage bestowed upon me. The childish innocence in the discovery of love, the moments of solitude filled with obscure smiles, the jubilation of what has come and the apprehension of what is to come. It took seven vows, seven sacred vows to make her mine for an eternity. The discovery of togetherness is a sojourn which shall be long but never tiring. It is an unmistakably buoyant feeling, that of having someone always thinking of you, always thinking for you and she, no doubt is more often than always, thinking for me. The sheer pleasure in sharing daily chores without being asked for is something I had never assumed I could indulge myself into. But here I am, always willing to lend a hand [I'm sure it's a passing phase! ;-) ] The immense thrill of adventure every private moment brings. The festivity and the exuberance her advent has brought into the family is a consummate feeling which is unsurpassable, insurmountable and unfathomable. My mom, my younger sis can't simply get enough of her. The "mu-dikhai" sessions of the sundry aunties is a process which has even since refused to culminate. It is an atmosphere I've simply never been subjected to nor had ever imagined would be subjected to.

I admit it has been too hasty an affair but swear you me, one more day without each other would have been too unbearable for both of us. So that's that with the short courtship period, although I find it impertinent to add at this juncture that we have dated every single day of this courtship period and have talked on the phone nineteen to the dozen to the utter pleasure of VODAFONE. Although I have been an acquaintance to wife dearest for a while now, but never in our wildest dreams had we imagined that at this day in history we would be tied in the nuptial gath-bandhan. It's surreal!

P.S. More about the wedding and the courtship period in the posts that shall follow and a special post dedicated to her, she who rocks my world!


Yuvika said...

hey welcome back! I love the way you write ...it's is so heart warming, matter-of-factly, surreal, and stately - all at the same time...whoever said language is dead and words can't communicate needs to read u :)

Anonymous said...

its an exulting experience reading u...while u go about singing peaens about ur better half..who seems to have brought to the fore, a plethora of gushful emotions in u, that flow seamlessly..in an animated gusto..

Priyank said...

There are compliments and there are humbling compliments. Both these pretty ladies have a thing with throwing these humbling compliments.. The fact is that these compliments coming from such able writers is more than humbling in itself.. Thanx to both of you.. Your support brings out the best in me.